Mayor G.T. Bynum To Speak At Greenwood Art Project Initiative Event

Mayor G.T. Bynum To Speak At Greenwood Art Project Initiative Event

On Wednesday, the Greenwood Art Project Initiative is holding an arts event ahead of the Tulsa Race Massacre centennial.

Tulsa Mayor G.T. Bynum is expected to speak at an event that will feature the unveiling of several art pieces, live music, and prominent speakers who have come together to give their message of inspiration.

The unveiling event is not open to the public, but it is set to be held at the art installation called the "Steps to Nowhere" between MLK Jr. Boulevard and North Boston Avenue in downtown Tulsa.

There will be live music beginning around 1 p.m. followed by speakers such as Mayor G.T. Bynum, 1921 Tulsa race Massacre Centennial Commission members, former New York mayor and founder of Bloomberg philanthropies Michael Bloomberg, Oklahoma government members, and more.

The art installations will be available for anyone to visit later Wednesday evening.

The Greenwood Art Project seeks to raise awareness of the 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre and the destruction of the historic Greenwood District that included Black Wall Street.