Ah, New Years Eve.... riddled with alcohol, poor decisions, proposals, and resolutions.
Some poor guy in the U.K. ended up with 3 out of the 4 by proposing to the girl he was planning on breaking up with.
As stated in this now, very embarrassing and viral Reddit post, he "saw people proposing around him and went with the flow and drunkenly made this mistake"
For you see, he bought the ring for a COWORKER. And he wasn't planning on proposing until AFTER the holiday.
Long story short, I have so many questions....
1. Why weren't you with your coworker that you WANTED to propose to in the first place?
2. Who waits to break up with a current S/O until a holiday like NYE?
3. It got posted all over social media... do you really think the girl it WAS meant for would be like, "ok, you gave my ring to the wrong girl, it's all good though, I'll still say yes even though you've been in a relationship with this girl and STILL bought a ring for someone else" SMH.
What would YOU do in this situation?
....oh wait, you're smarter than that and wouldn't get yourself in this situation ;-)